Inspired by the flashcards used in Anglo-Saxon countries such as the United States and England, OXFORD Flash 2.0 question and answer cards are ideal for revision work.
The principle is simple: they’re small cards on which you write a question on the front and the answer to the question on the back. With these cards you can revise in horizontal mode and easily learn and go over vocabulary, definitions, dates and mathematical formulas, in short, all kinds of things.
OXFORD FLASH 2.0 flashcards provide:
Lots of choice...
- 12 colours and, thanks to their white writing surface, the texts are really easy to read.
- 2 formats (depending on the amount of content you want to include)
- 3 kinds of lines (small boxes or simple lines, or just plain white) depending on the kind of content (texts, diagrams, etc.)
View the OXFORD FLASH 2.0 question and answer cards
The option of revising wherever and whenever you like...
With the OXFORD Flash 2.0 flashcards you can revise wherever and whenever you like because they’re compatible with the free SCRIBZEE® application, which automatically scans, saves and sorts your cards by colour on your smartphone.
A QUIZ mode for revising...
It’s fun to revise your Flash 2.0 flashcards with SCRIBZEE® because there’s a quiz mode that enables you to see the cards you’ve learnt and the ones you need to revise again. So you focus your efforts on the cards you don’t understand very well and you save time.